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Woman’s Safety

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Ever been in one situation where in you’re in danger and you are alone, no one to save you or protect you? I haven’t experienced that but ofcourse i never wish to be under this situation. In most situations, you are under one group but what if you are alone already? You may never know, how careful you are, things happen. And much better if you are prepared and ready for any trouble.

As girls, people think that we are weak and relies to men to be saved but  i don’t believe that especially if you know what to do or if you are prepared more than anyone. Your safety is the very first thing you prioritize whenever you go out of the house. When you go out, better be prepared with emergency kits to protect you like pepper spray, stun guns or personal alarms. This are one of the best tools that girls can keep to protect themselves. If you want to protect yourself, better have this tools ready on your pockets or hand bags. This tiny tools can give you a chance to save your life so better be prepared than be sorry. Better be ready before it’s too late.